Here is a full documentation on how to use and setup google maps. For Maps to work, you theoretically do not need the API Key, but then the Map will fail after too may loads (calls) That's why the API key is required so to grant multiple accesses to the Google API via our Maps Plugin. The topic ‘Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys’ is closed to new replies. Estou certo que minha Advertencia de la API de Google Maps: NoApiKeys (3) Actualmente no se requiere una clave ("requerida" en el significado "no funcionará sin"), pero creo que hay una buena razón para la advertencia. Check out this discussion about a similar problem. Um die clientseitigen Dienste der Maps JavaScript-API zu verwenden, müssen Sie einen separaten API-Schlüssel erstellen, der mit einer Einschränkung für HTTP-Verweise geschützt werden kann (siehe Einschränken eines API-Schlüssels). Google maps javascript api warning noapikeys. how is this possible? There seems to be an issue with the GeoDirectory plugin. 2 days ago I migrated local site to live. Log in Username Password Remember me Register | Lost Password? Hiya, I'm using this for a React / Typescript project. Under "Cookies" it'll say "xx in use" -- click that text. My map works totally fine -- but I keep getting this warning when the page loads. Thank you so much for suggestions. as well as an API Key for the Services above. I red your documentation carefully many times and did exactly what you mention there. This is usually not necessary and also not if I test it manually on google maps. Faça uma pergunta Perguntada 1 ano, 11 meses atrás. Notice: Beginning on June 11, 2018, an API Key is now required for every map project using Google Maps library. (Written by the EM Developer) If you see a warning in your browser's Javascript console that says "Google Maps API warning: NoApiKeys", the reason is that you haven't configured your Google Maps API keys yet. The warning from Google would not cause the overlay and x to appear. I already changed the theme and disabled all plugins to test, but same problem. Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys. For testing not. You can read more about this Google guideline here. u/radil. After enabling all the API, Please do try and Re-Generate an API key for your MAP and re-input the new Key on Settings. Eu inclui conforme solicitado, porém ainda apresenta um erro de "NoApiKeys". Hi, I have checked your site and found that you need to click the link in the Google Maps message: You will be taken to a page to “Learn about updated account policies and changes you’ll need to make.” for Google Maps. This is not an issue with Google maps. Posted by. If you’re using DIVI they have a separate section on where you need to enter your maps api key. I've generated an API key from google and added it to my site, but I still get the warning about needing an API key. Thanks a lot again for all suggentions which led me to the solution at the end , By the way: I really like the plugin so far , Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total), Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys. Pleae do make sure that you have Billing Address Setup on your Google Map Account. This is also illustrated here: https://toolset, Thank you very much! Pero en la documentación que puede leer ahora: "Todas las aplicaciones API de JavaScript … I have the EM & WPML Plugin acitve, but it doesn’t work without it either. @timrv Have a look in the Network tab of Chrome Dev Tools and see if anything's loading /maps/api/js - then try and track down which part of your code is pulling in the Google Maps API. Open Click on the green "Secure" note to the left of the address bar. If you are loading Maps JavaScript API from the deprecated v2 path, you will get … Please do read and follow them carefully as it’s easy to miss a step. [Ionic v4] Google maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys - Keys are present in both package.json and config.xml. Addition: Maps Embed API src: The URL where the Maps JavaScript API is loaded from, including all of the symbols and definitions you need for using the Maps JavaScript API. Estou usando um código para navegar no Google Maps e apresentar as coordenadas na tela. 11 months ago. I finally made it with openStreetMap and Google. Google Map API Warning (NoApiKeys) If you want to use Google Maps, you should get API key. Estou usando um código para navegar no Google Maps e apresentar as coordenadas na tela. At JotForm, we want to make sure that you’re getting the online form builder help that you need. Maar … Powered by Help Scout. Geolocation API You could install the OpenStreetMap plugin to test if the problem is with Google. I’m not able to display the map for my events. It only works if I specify the “county” in addition to the common fields. [Ionic v4] Google maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys - Keys are present in both package.json and config.xml. Best regards Geocoding API However, my main concern right now (after updating my host files) is that there are 3 Javascript errors in the console (including one related to Google Map). The Maps JavaScript API v2 is deprecated as of May 19, 2010, and will be turned off on May 26, 2021. If you have access to the source code of your application look No trecho do código é necessário informar uma credencial/key válida. You must be loading the Google Maps API without specifying an API key., I see you are also using WPML. However, without county it doesn’t work on google nor on openstreetmaps. Think it depends on what webpart you're using. Our friendly customer support team is available 24/7. We are often told to put the block at the bottom of an HTML pageI thought the reason for this was If the OSM works (and I think it will), the problem is somewhere with Google. Please enter your Google Maps API key in GravityView Settings screen. Estou usando a API do Google Maps v3 há algum tempo sem uma chave de API e funcionou bem. Browse other questions tagged javascript google-maps google-maps-api-3 jquery-gmap3 or ask your own question.,,,, This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by. Google Maps and Location Services? I now recognized that I don’t have a connection to (sources in debug console), which should be there, right? We believe that if one user has a question, there could be more users who may have the same question. Events > Settings > Una vez hayamos creado el proyecto debemos habilitar la API llamada «Google Maps JavaScript API», pudiendo usar también el buscador superior, que nos puede ayudar mucho para encontrar mejor nuestra API objetivo. Have you installed the EM & WPML compatibility plugin as well? However, I get the message “no map available” (fontend and backend). Expand "" and "Cookies" The topic ‘Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys’ is closed to new replies. The Overflow Blog Tips to stay focused and finish your hobby project Including tests without any other plugins etc. On the Credentials page, get an API key (If you have an existing unrestricted API key, or a key with browser restrictions, you may use that key) Places API for Web. @duisterdenhaag The API Keys are not restricted in any way. So existing locations should work right away. 4. , The OSM only requires 1 OpenCage API key to edit or create new locations. Please do visit your theme developer in case they have a separate section for it. Google Maps JavaScript API warning: NoApiKeys; Google Maps JavaScript API error: MissingKeyMapError; For web developers: If you have access to the source code of your application, look for the