'); Is there a cave/dungeon area to get loot crates in? var urlHash = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash); group.e.forEach(function (entry) { return npc.n == name || npc.n == name2; Ark Genesis Loot Crate. var spawnAmount = (spawnProbabilities[group.n] ? .prop('title', 'lat ' + point.y + ', lon ' + point.x + (spawn.u ? Includes Discord benefits. names.push(translations[spawn.n]); 1 Mbit und weniger 249 10 100 (Ger) The Purge Boostserver Home-Server Ragnarok | PVE 247 Std. Best Dino for Underwater Travel. https://ark-fr.gamepedia.com/Carte_des_Spawns_(Crystal_Isles)?oldid=39274, Dernière modification le 15 février 2021, à 01:45. // show groups info/legend $select.append($('