The first account shows lots of web credentials, the second one very few. As a radio station, this is a crucial asset to us. This includes any computer I try and on my phone. The rule is you have to create a Facebook account first in order to create a page. In some cases, you may first have to tap a Share button before the Facebook option appears. After created a page, you’re automatically an admin of the page. Quick Tip to TRY to fix your Problems Posting Links in Facebook! // then the form refreshes. So frustrating. Press alt + / to open this menu alt + / to open this menu How to fix Instagram posting problems? Viola!
var projMetaOut = "
Written by. Both Facebook and Instagram have features that make them easy to use together. This is to prevent a site from changing details of a link after you've interacted with it, making it look … Problems posting text to Facebook using Microsoft Windows 10 Edge Making a post on Facebook is a very elementary operation. 1. var projectDetails = document.querySelector('#project-details').value; Many times, apps stop working because they need to be updated. I have been experiencing the same exact problems with posting links directly to Facebook! I suggest you give them info on what browser you’re using, as well as a link to your personal profile. We'll cover solutions for some common Facebook problems so you don't have to put up with them any more. . I cannot do anything on facebook or messenger. Nothing is getting posted! But according to you guys this all clearned up after two days so I’ll see what happens tomorrow. Although I am able to find a lot of old friends through Facebook but I don’t want to risk my personal information being used by anyone. It’s interesting a site leading in “Social Media”… Read more ». This wikiHow teaches you how to post a link to Internet content on your Facebook page. The rule is you have to create a Facebook account first in order to create a page. 8. I have been having problems with my post all disappearing for the last two ... Is this facebook problems or my computer problems. , I have the same problem and it’s causing a great issue for me. How to Contact Facebook and Get Support When You Need It. Two days for me as well, since switching to the new site., By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies.
var time = hh + ":" + mm;
I also doubt that Facebook engineers are actually getting it fixed as soon as they can. So my fans can not see a post with a link to their home page only when they directly … Continue reading "Post with link problem on facebook …, Code Sample: JavaScript ES6 – Scrape OneTab Links (2018), Eric’s Professional Graphic Designs: Dothan Eagle – 2019 – Print, Web & Digital, Is Medical Marijuana Effective for Tourette Syndrome Symptoms? By Russell Brandom Apr 30, 2015, 6:21pm EDT A new Facebook bug caused major problems for users today, with posts disappearing and new links apparently blocked from posting.var out = ""; If anyone gets any info on how to fix these, please keep me posted, And mine also started after I changed my personal page to the new timeline.
" If you’re still having trouble posting from Instagram to Facebook from your mobile device, the final thing to try is clearing the app cache on your device. It worked for them just try, it might work for you.. -try putting after..your link e.g if this didn’t work.. What do you think the problem is if I can’t get logged in anywhere? against those who print screen. Facebook has over 100 forms for just about every problem you could run into on Facebook.
" + requiredQuestions;
I tried posting links on my personal profile, & it works fine for me. Where we will first discuss about Indian history. Recent Post by Page. Only links within Facebook allow this, not external links.. To tag on Facebook, just start typing the name, beginning with a capital letter or the @ symbol. Facebook, on the other hand, has over 100 contact forms for just about every problem you could run into while using Facebook. Refresh to make sure it posts. Simply copy the URL of your WordPress post and paste it in the debugger tool. You can try reporting the violation but most of these cases are being ignored unless you can get 2000 people to help you report it. Hope this works for you, Ok… this worked… even try a combination of them. Facebook is one of those services that is hard to live without. Solution #2. This screenshot below shows how I used Yoast for this blog post you are reading… So everything you put in the above box will be used in your links when sending out to Google o Facebook. // Deadline or due date? I noticed that this problem only occur when the Post Update only shows 2 methods of sharing which is Post and Link. Been having this problem more often lately even with only one acc logged in. My recommendation would be to follow Pilar’s advice of submitting a bug report at, and tell them what browser you’re using, as well as providing a link to your personal profile. var hh = today.getHours() > 12 ? :( Put the link into brackets or parenthesis like this 3. I cannot get in to Facebook at all. I cannot read or send messages on messenger. So you just may need to force Facebook to clear the cache. I noticed that when I am using facebook as my profile, sharing a post or link to my page will cause the error. You might not be seeing the Facebook link preview you want because the info has been cached by Facebook./* GATHER FORM VALUES */
Post links on Facebook without displaying an ugly URL and how to edit Facebook Create New Account. Your business' presence will help you gain exposure to potential customers. For me they evoke sort of a “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” feel. On your Facebook page, you will find a new “+” button beside your Facebook profile picture. out += projDetailsOut; I am the Social Media manager at my office and I am currently unable to post a link on my fan pages. A few common issues related to YouTube links problems are compiled with suggested solutions. // build html output I have been experiencing the same for about a week now+- and i have not yet changed new fb…! So, you need to make sure that you have an up-to-date version of the Facebook app on your iPhone. To fix the ongoing Facebook working problems, go ahead and restart your iPhone. After this, the issue may no longer continue to trouble./* BUILD OUTPUT */
// from: Facebook is an incredibly popular social media platform that helps people stay in touch, share news, and express themselves. I have an anonymous account in a 100% ficticious name PURELY to walk through the many helpful online tips on how to bolt an account down … so with hands on experience I can guide others. Check Facebook Update. Then today I tried to share a link and I got the dreaded something went wrong error again! The Facebook debug tool is the easiest way to troubleshoot Facebook thumbnail issues. @Raymond & Dave …. When publishing articles on our site, our team always cross-posts links to the same content on our Facebook fan page, where we have close to 250 thousand fans. var mm = today.getMinutes();
Press alt + / to open this menu alt + / to open this menu **UPDATE** 9/8/2014 12:00 PM EST: Over the weekend there have been reports of more problems opening shared links on Facebook iOS app. Force Facebook to clear the cache. No more being at the mercy of the Facebook bugs. //var form = document.querySelector('form'); I wholly agree with your jaundiced view of FB. Again, my caution here may sound over the top -- but if you're posting these items publicly, you're setting yourself up for a break in. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Yes!!!!!!!! Do help to click on the Like button at our Facebook page if you have a Facebook account. I’m glad it is working for you now my friend. **UPDATE** 3/11/2011 10:00 AM EST: Facebook’s fix has been stable so we’ve reverted back to our normal sharing integration. We’ll continue to monitor Facebook sharing but everything is back to normal now. Required fields are marked *, Solving Something Went Wrong when Sharing Post or Link in Facebook, Auto Like and Confirm All Facebook Friend Requests, 5 Ways to Automatically Check File Sharing Link Status, 3 Facebook Chat Instant Messenger for Desktop, Solving Cannot create the window Error on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, 4 Websites to Bypass Compulsory Web Registration By Sharing Logins. The reason brands are doing it is due to a perceived weakness in the algorithm. Try to find out if you can do other things online. // Fixed-price or hourly No matter how big Facebook gets, I stand on my ground not to create a personal Facebook account. social networking also does not develop preventive disabler e.g. After a while i got the same error message even though i didn’t click on anything. Update your iOS Version Most social networks have a few contact forms for users to report issues. so most of the time, I am not worry about my privacy. The most common Kindle Fire problems, and how to fix them By Simon Hill and Andre Revilla December 2, 2020 If you haven’t figured out by now, Facebook and Google (Google owns YouTube) are not best friends. Yesterday after publishing the post about DirectX Happy Uninstall, I had problems in sharing the link in my wall." + projectDetails + "
// #GOTCHA --> Without this return statement output appears for a milisecond Method 2. Since switching to the new Facebook 3 days ago, I have been unable (try as I might), to post any new links directly on my wall, or anyone else’s wall … This really sucks!!! ), then the title cannot be changed. Exactly. If you share to Facebook from the mobile app or use the mobile app at all try one or both of the following*:
still having this problem on the new fb page, I am having the exact problem and it’s huring my blog following by not being able to post links to my FB page. Benefits of Facebook for business. You might not be seeing the Facebook link preview you want because the info has been cached by Facebook. I steer well clear of such sites. I am also having this kind of problem.. Some of the advantages of Facebook business pages include: Brand awareness: Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms in the world. I posted something with a link to my blog. #1TECH WORLD 8,894 views. The thumbnail and description will appear for me, as normal, but when I click on the share button, nothing happens! Digital Trends may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. I say “In Raymond we trust”. You may run into a problem while posting on Instagram or even leaving comments and likes. Facts: Can access all other sites, the internet in general is working fine, but on two separate computers (same router), facebook errors out when I try to login to my account. Some say “In God we trust” …. Instagram links to your personal Facebook profile by default. Mainly founded for students and studies One of the biggest frustrations we came across with Facebook, is when we post a link to an article that contains images, and Facebook refuses to show the image on top of the link. From the looks of this error, it seems like a generic error because it doesn’t have any error code, or specific explanation to the problem. I am one who knows the secrets of life--allow me to teach you so that you too can one day find enlightenment,'" insists Urban. NEW FACEBOOK PROBLEMS: Can’t create band page!!! The odds are that you and almost everyone you know are on Facebook. If you ask me if I have a Facebook account, yes I do have one without any personal information in it and it is only for the purpose of creating a Raymond.CC Technology Blog page so that I can share updates. 0 0 vote Article Rating Total Page Visits: 643 – Today Page Visits: 1. Thanks again for your reply, Pilar! Sections of this page. #2 Most Common Facebook Post Mistake: Including Multiple Links Each Facebook Post should include one call-to-action to achieve one goal. The HTML tags should disappear, leaving you with an active link in your Note: Using a link to post a PDF works with group, fanpage, and personal Walls, as well. Your email address will not be published. Go to the Facebook Debugger Tool; 2. Also, I’d love to hear from anyone else having these same problems … and if you come up with a good solution, please share here as well! They are just not telling us yet. That’s just techy talk for saying that Facebook saves the info from URLs and pages that have already been shared, for better performance. This tool was built to help to identify any errors that Facebook is reading from your website, and help provide information on what needs to be fixed to unblock your link. The West is almost a police state like China, Russia and the USA without Zuckerberg and his playmates adding to things – especially when those outside the USA read up on the implications of data stored “in the cloud” by USA based companies and the wide ranging powers of the Patriot Act to totally ignore safeguards written into (for example) European Data Protection Acts. Add Facebook stories to your page. The only way to post any links is from another site using their “Share” facility…. Sections of this page. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. FB keeps updating their software so it constantly changes where things are at… kinda like that shuffle the peanut game. I have been getting this message for 22 days now. ... YouTube links not working when posting to Facebook. Being busy debugging for more than a week, I ran into the following. Jason Zook. So you just may need to force Facebook to clear the cache. ON THE OTHER HAND … There is no way to SWITCH BACK TO THE OLD VERSION OF FACEBOOK. out += timeOut; How to report problems to Google, Facebook, other Web services. Create an account or log into Facebook. Your email address will not be published. If you are also facing this issue, don’t worry. I started compiling a dossier of the faults and dangers of FB for clients but quickly realised it was a full time job keeping up with online reports.var listingURL = document.querySelector('#listing-url').value; So you just may need to go in there and force Facebook to clear the cache. It’s a pain in the butt. Clearing the app cache can solve problems that have nothing to do with Facebook or Instagram. In the draft area of every blog post you have the option to add/change what text will be used as snippets on Facebook and Google. Most users are familiar with its privacy settings and feel secure that the information they post is being seen only by trusted friends and family members. There was no such problem with IE10. Facebook is an incredibly popular social media platform that helps people stay in touch, share news, and express themselves. Method 3. Force Facebook to clear the cache. Anyone who thinks that he is developing FB for anything other than a fat sale is living in cloud cuckoo land. Why anyone would want to bare their souls in every detail to all and sundry and/or air their dirty linen in public is beyond me, not to mention the attendant identity theft risks. var reqQuestOut = "
Log In. Here’s the thing. SOLVED! It’s an illuminating moment for social media and politics. Most sites with Facebook sharing buttons will have the Facebook logo displayed somewhere near the content (e.g., a video). Once a person or page shares a link, and there have been more than 50 interactions with the post (comments, likes, shares, etc. Well done on this discovery. … My problem is solved … now I can able to post any links on my band page!! var date = mm + "/" + dd + "/" + yy; 2) The only link posts that have worked for me are posts directly from a “share” or “facebook” button, on a given site. var dateOut = "Date: " + date + "// display in results div I don’t have a FB page, but I have encountered the problem occasionally when I try to post or link to a website from my FB profile. You’re not alone. I tried posting text only. Providing multiple calls-to-action will only serve to confuse users and make it harder for them to digest the post - which will destroy your post’s click-through rate. -try putting space before and after the link..if it still didn’t work -do not put http// just put….. that’s it..all I can share..if any of you know of another solution..please share..thank you! Go to the Facebook Debugger Tool; 2. For every great story or picture you see on Facebook, you have to put up with a dozen low-quality memes, annoying posts, and even frustrating user interface elements.
var projDetailsOut = "
out += listingTitleOut; If you only share to Facebook from the website and don't use the mobile app: Go to your profile settings and from the "Social Connections" pane on the right-hand side disconnect and reconnect your Facebook account. Hey there, maybe you can help me. btw, LIKED your FB page :), you can do a lot from the account area, the best feature is hiding your friends from everyone or just from one person I did this for reasons of my other friends not getting along works great and I have no problems also you can make sure by hiding your friends list that no one scopes your friends and adds them..its a great feature…thanks Raymond Great Blogs and Great advice ….
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