king fahd university ranking kfupm admission The other official language is English. In other words Urdu acted as lingua franca and a bond of unity among Muslims of Indian subcontinent. It was called the literary standard of Hindi and became Bihar’s official language after it replaced Urdu in 1881.
  • Asia (2) Therefore, Urdu was chosen as a national language and symbol of unity, because it had already served as a lingua franka among Muslims in areas making Pakistan and whole sub-continent. korean government scholarship application form Human rights
  • Europe (8)
  • Education (42)
  • USA (1)
  • The other official language is English. In other words Urdu acted as lingua franca and a bond of unity among Muslims of Indian subcontinent. It was called the literary standard of Hindi and became Bihar’s official language after it replaced Urdu in 1881.
  • Asia (2) Therefore, Urdu was chosen as a national language and symbol of unity, because it had already served as a lingua franka among Muslims in areas making Pakistan and whole sub-continent. korean government scholarship application form Human rights
  • Europe (8)
  • Education (42)
  • USA (1)